Blok Manduka unBLOK

3.290,00 рсд

The Recycled Foam unBLOK is here to take yoga poses a step further. With its functional, sleek design, and high-quality eco-friendly materials, this revolutionary block will help you unBLOK your practice this year. Designed by Manduka's founder Peter Sterios.

0.38kg; 10cm x 15cm x 23cm
• Designed with contours and ergonomic support to be gentler on the body.
• Optional balance challenge when used with curved side down.
• High density, durability and firm support.
• Soft, comfortable grip that is also slip-resistant.
• Clean radius edges.

Dodatne informacije

Težina 0,38 kg
Dimenzije 23 × 15 × 10 cm

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